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Published on November 24, 2014

free devotionsLike newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.1 Peter 2: 2 & 3

It was a hectic time. Too often we found ourselves getting “take out”. Then we walked into a friend’s home and the roast beef smelled wonderful. The fast food had filled the need of the moment but the roast beef meal was so much more satisfying.

We all know the sluggish slide our bodies take when we “fast food” it too often.
We often try to “fast food” it as Christians too. Oh we get some nutrition from our quick reading and our prayer on the way out the door. But our hearts hunger for the “roast beef” and we don’t even recognize it.

Sluggishness sets into the soul when we neglect good spiritual nutrition too long. Are you finding unrest in your soul or perhaps some anger or irritation? Is lack of peace and impatience beginning a slow slide into your spirit?

Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.” 1 Peter 2: 2 & 3

Spiritual fast food is great for those crazy days now and then, but if it is your steady diet your soul will be malnourished.

God longs to feed your soul. He provides a meal you don’t want to miss.

Father God, Today I ask that You will rekindle my hunger for You. I pray that You will lead me in new ways of knowing You. Help me take the time to grow up in my spiritual tastes. Thank you for the nutrition You have provided in spiritual fast food, but help me to desire more. I know you have a feast for those who take the time to come. May I be one of them. ?In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Take responsibility for your spiritual condition.
•    Put some Christian music on.
•    Read your Bible and ask God to speak to you.
•    Take time to pray alone and listen.
•    Find a Christian friend to talk with.

Real satisfaction awaits you as you crave pure spiritual food. Ask God to help you hunger for Him in new ways. He has a feast for those who linger with Him.

By Gail Rodgers

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