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Shrinking Back

Published on January 18, 2012

by Gail Rodgers

We met in Starbucks. She was just passing through town and it was a treat to get together in person. As usual, we jumped in at the deep end and wanted to share what God was teaching us these days. As she raised requests I suggested we pray. Quietly, with open eyes, I asked God to meet the needs of her life.

We talked more and then she said she wanted to pray for me. With not so quiet a voice and with eyes pressed closed and hands grasping mine across the table she lifted her heart to our Heavenly Father.

And I felt my heart shrink back. Could she pray a little quieter or a little less intensely? I am ashamed to say I felt a twinge of embarrassment enter my heart.

Very shortly after that God put a book in my pathway that challenged just this very thing in my life. In essence I was denying Christ. I thought of Peter and how easy it was for him to deny Jesus on that night of Jesus’ death. Then in my own devotions I read these words,

For in just a very little while, “He who is coming will come and will not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back I will not be pleased with him.
But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.”  Hebrews 10: 38-39

It took me by surprise that I could find myself in that same position as Peter found himself in ….. only I was in Starbucks where there was no threat at all to my faith or my life.

How good God is to reveal the very nature of our hearts to us when we feel we are being “faithful” followers. What a challenge it is to grow in our boldness in following our Lord and Savior.

Today, whether you are a quiet Christian, a bold witness, or somewhere in between why not join me in asking God to fill you with a greater boldness and more courage to stand in persevering faith… one never knows when in this world we will be called upon to stand firm. We need to be determined not to shrink back. God will help us as we ask Him to.

Heavenly Father, Forgive me for shrinking back when You call me to boldness. May my heart be ever more courageous to stand for You. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

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