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A Sense of Wonder

Published on August 10, 2017

Phil.4:12 “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation…”

I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation…” Philippians 4:11,12

Mom, you find pleasure in the smallest things,” my daughter laughed.

I had just described to her my joy at finding a spider web suspended outside my kitchen window. Raindrops caught in the web shone like beads of crystal in the early morning sunlight. What could be more beautiful?

A sense of wonder at the small things! How we need that today in our world of noise, speed, and consumerism. It’s easy to be sucked into the world’s way and to miss the many little blessings God scatters into each day for us.

Two things that steal my sense of wonder:

Comparing myself with others who seem to have more of what I want–more book sales, more success in ministry…

A feeling of entitlement–I deserve more than I’m getting. After all, I have worked very hard and given so much.

Paul could have gone that route. He had worked day and night to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. He had sacrificed everything: home, family, career, comfort, even a wage. Yet, he was in prison while others were free to preach.

What was his response? “I have learned the secret of being content.

What was his secret? I think I know: Develop a keen sense of wonder at all that God is doing for you and through you. All the little miracles he is scattering into each day for you. Like a spider web outside the kitchen window.

Today, I encourage you to write down the little blessings that add to the pleasure of your day. See if you can come up with ten. Then share some of them with the rest of us.

Father, I thank you for the surprising ways in which you come to us. Today I want to be alert to the small blessings you’ve planted along my pathway.

by Helen Grace Lescheid

To read more of Helen’s writing or to buy one of her books go to

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