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Do You Really Need It?

Published on May 11, 2015

Questioning Man

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” I Thessalonians 5:16-18

The small child whined to her mother in the grocery store checkout line. She twisted back and forth, her head titled up to her meet her mother’s face. “But, Mommy. I neeeed that candy bar.

The mother’s lips curled into a smirk. “Do you really need it?

How often do we come to our Father in Heaven and plead for what we think we need, confusing it with a want? Just like that child, we plead for the “desires of our hearts.” After all, doesn’t it state in Psalms that is what God will do? (Psalm 37:4) Didn’t Jesus say he’d grant anything we asked for in His name? (John 14:13-14)

Ah, there is the catch—in His name. When the desires of our hearts match that of Jesus’ then we can ask in His name (like-minded with Him) and it will be granted. What did Jesus ask for? To do His Father’s will and be a witness of obedience to His disciples. Jesus asked for strength and endurance to complete the task God gave Him. And He wanted us, His followers, to be with Him in Heaven.

God will satisfy our needs just as He does the lilies of the field and the sparrows. It doesn’t necessarily mean He will wave a magic wand to end all of our problems, heal our loved one’s cancer, or find us that high-paying job so we can afford a boat, a new car or a dream vacation. If the desire of your heart is to do God’s will, you can rest assured God will supply everything you need to accomplish it. And what is God’s will for us? Paul spells it out in I Thessalonians 5:16-18:

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

We can rejoice no matter the circumstances when we are confident that God will satisfy our needs and has our best interests at heart, just like the mom in the grocery store. God wants the best for us, and often that means not giving us everything we want.

Father God, help us discern what we need and what we want. Teach us above everything else, if we align our desires with Your will, then we can have confidence You will supply all we need. Steer us away from the wants that may harm us or turn us from You. Let Your Son Jesus be our example and Your Spirit be our guide. Amen.

Action Point: Make two columns and write your needs on one side and your wants on the other. Do all of your wants honor God? Do you Trust God to satisfy your needs?

By Julie Cosgrove

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