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Jesus Desires Mercy, Not Sacrifice

Published on August 27, 2019

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.” Romans 8:1–2 (NIV)

No matter what you’ve ever done, there is no condemnation in Christ. He sits at the Father’s right hand, not as an accuser, but as an advocate who pleads on your behalf.

Jesus loves you. He willingly gave his life for you. God began the work to bring you back into his presence long before you were born. God knows you can’t make the journey home on your own, so while you “were still helpless”, Christ died for you (Romans 5:6 HCSB).

Jesus offers mercy, not condemnation. He says, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice” (Matthew 9:13 NIV). His objective is to bring you back into intimacy with the Father, so he’s not interested in making you jump through hoops to prove yourself worthy or to earn back God’s love.

In a sense, Jesus says, “You promise to do things in exchange for your forgiveness, but I want to give you forgiveness and grace as a gift. I desire mercy, not these sacrifices you hope will win back my love; you never lost my love!”

My purpose is not to condemn you but to let my life run free within you as the Holy Spirit connects you directly to the Father” (Romans 8:1-2 NIV, author paraphrase).

It’s as if Jesus is saying, “You can’t wash all the stains away, so let me do it for you. My blood will be the bleach to wash you white as snow, and my Spirit will begin to live directly in your heart.”

Wrapped in Christ, we are able to

approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” (Hebrews 4:16 NIV).

When you feel condemnation coming at you like a furious flood, look to Jesus, who says,

I no longer condemn you. Go and sin no more” (John 8:11 NLT, with author paraphrase).

By Jon Walker
Used by Permission

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