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Fishy Reactions

Published on February 6, 2020

“When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.’ …When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break.” Luke 5:4,6

At first Peter questioned Jesus’ command. Then he obeyed. The result was phenomenal. Scholars say they caught enough fish that day to provide income for their families for three years — the length of their time with Jesus during his earthly ministry.

Our pastor preached on this account in Luke recently, talking mostly to the men about following God’s agenda instead of their own. But it “got me to thinkin‘”, as we say in Texas. What about the other hardworking fishermen who were not with Peter? They’d probably not caught anything either. How did they react when Peter and his crew brought in this amazing haul? Did they pout or rejoice?

What would we have done as we watched?

Do you wonder why life is so tough right now yet so easy for others? Their life seems abundant and “overflowing with fish” while you have been casting your nets until your arms are rubbery and have still not seen results. Do you dance with joy at their blessings or stomp away while mumbling?

When it comes to reeling in what God wants us to catch, how many of us are willing to go out and try one more time… even though we have done it ten hundred times without success? Will we cry, “Not fair, I love God, too” or join in the hallelujahs?

Have faith when you see others’ faithful fortune. See it as a sign of God’s loving provision, knowing he will provide for you as well in his own time. Go ahead. Let down the nets again.

Lord, at times I get tired. I don’t see any purpose in my struggle as I journey through this life. And I admit, jealousy creeps in when I see how you’ve blessed others. Forgive my attitude of ingratitude. Teach me anew to trust in your provision. Amen.

By Julie Cosgrove
Used by Permission

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