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In the Rearview Mirror

Published on June 11, 2024

“And the Lord said, ‘I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the Lord, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.’Exodus 33:19

My life is often seen in hindsight.

When I am going through something, my focus is on the here and now. After the dust settles, then I have time to reflect. It is often then that I see God’s hand prints all over what happened.

Recently I have had medical issues that required me to move from my home. Long story short, after searching on my own and finding nothing that fit my budget and my needs, the friend driving me pulled over and we prayed. Two blocks later we saw a complex and both got “the urge” to check it out. They had one apartment that had just come available, and yes, it had a handicap ramp and parking space at the front door. God’s goodness had gone before me. He knew that other person would be moving out at the perfect time. What’s more, it is much cheaper than I expected to pay, another prayer answered as I have struggled financially through this time.

Like a blip to our eyes as we travel a highway, goodness passes in front, but often we have to crane our necks and look behind us to notice it. We can see it more clearly in the rear view mirror of our mind. Hindsight truly is 20-20.

When we know God goes before us with compassion and mercy, it gives us hope. No matter what you are going through, God knows about it and has a plan. You only need to pray to Him and trust. Then watch as He mercifully passes in front.

Dear Merciful Father, in my head I know you know what has, what is, and what will be happening my life. Forgive me when I do not see you passing in front, but only realize your mighty hand afterwards. Help me to trust and pray more. Amen.

By Julie Cosgrove
Used by Permission

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