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Squeezing God In

Published on May 16, 2023

“Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?”  Psalm 139:7

Squeeze your day in around your time with God.

Today, we are busy people. Cell phones in our pockets or tucked inside our bags – they all make us feel as if we have to be available 24/7. Before, when the phone rang in the middle of the night, it was an emergency. Now, a ping can mean someone we know in Stockholm is responding to our text.

Global communication is a reality for many of us. That is good for spreading the Kingdom, for doing business, and keeping touch with family. But, it also can suck away our time like a giant vacuum. With the world constantly tapping on our shoulders, it is harder than ever to find time to respond to God’s holy taps.

Yet, our Lord wants to hang out with us so much; he hung on a cross so that could happen. He opened the lines of communication between the temporal world in which we live our lives and his eternal presence – 24/7. He is always waiting to talk with us and show us his love.

Many of us find it hard to squeeze quiet, devotional time with God into our day. But, when we begin to grasp the concept that God is there in each and every moment, we realize that it works better if we can squeeze our day into our time with God. After all, he never hangs up on his end.

Holy Lord, forgive us when we are scurrying through our day and do not include you in it. Help us to discover ways to be more aware of your presence, your love and your Holy Spirit’s guidance. We can never flee from your presence. Thank you for your Son’s death and resurrection that makes it possible for you to always be with us. Amen.

Be creative about how you squeeze God into your day. Talk with him as you wait in bumper-to-bumper traffic, or in that fast food line. Pray while you shower. Listen to his still small voice whispering throughout your day like a spiritual Bluetooth in your faith’s ear. How will he reveal his presence to you today?

By Julie Cosgrove
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   God Is…

•  More than a Father

•  Salvation Explained