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When Inadequacy Slips In

Published on January 16, 2022

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me! Isaiah 6:8

There is a contemporary hymn that asks, “Here I am Lord, Is it I, Lord?” I’ve felt that way at times. Wanting eagerly to do God’s will but not sure how. Inadequacy slips into my heart. With knitted brow I whisper, “Are You sure about this, God? Isn’t there someone else more qualified?” Perhaps you have felt this way as well.

One time, brand new to a city, my late husband and I joined a church. Three weeks in, the pastor said he felt God called me to be the Outreach Coordinator. I sucked in my breath. “I barely know where the super market is!” But I prayed about it and said yes. I told God, “You are going to have to help me.” He was faithful to do so. Over the next few months, outreach needs and opportunities dropped into my lap without me having to search for them. I knew I was ill-equipped to find them on my own. God’s hand was in the process from start to finish, and that gave me the confidence to proceed.

Perhaps you’ve heard the quote, “God doesn’t called the equipped, but equips the called.” I found that to be true. Isaiah wasn’t equipped. But he was willing to serve. So God ordered Isaiah’s tongue touched with a purifying coal to prepare him for the task at hand. God equipped Isaiah. He equipped me in that new city. He will do the same for you. All you need is a heart willing to serve.

Dear Father in Heaven, prepare me for the task You wish for me to accomplish, with Your help and guidance. Keep me from rushing ahead or taking the credit. Retain in me a servant’s heart and point it all back to You. I pray this through Your servant Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

By Julie Cosgrove
Used by Permission

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Come Alongside – what it looks like to come alongside of people while Jesus draws them closer.

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