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Listen Up

Published on August 19, 2020

The Sovereign LORD has given me a well-instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed.”  Isaiah 50:4

Are you a good listener? Studies have shown that we stop talking only an average of 17 seconds before we resume speaking in a conversation, and most of that time, we are thinking about what we want to say next! Sometimes prayer can be like that, with God barely getting a word in edgewise, as we monopolize the conversation.

Do you listen to instructions? Isaiah says that God gave him a well-instructed tongue to sustain the weary. A disciple is one who takes instruction, listening carefully to what God wants to say. Listening is time-consuming, and sometimes it seems like instructions are just too long and drawn out to try to remember, but disciples must be willing to listen to what God wants to teach them to be able to minister to people each day.

While God does speak to us in the quiet moments of life, the discipline of listening to God’s instructions often will involve turning to the Bible each morning, applying those instructions to your own life, and then sharing what you have read with someone who needs to hear the truth that day.

Be sure to humbly let God teach you first before you seek to teach others, though, so that you can share what God is teaching you rather than smugly think that you know what someone else needs to hear and apply!

Heavenly Father God, please attune my ears to hear your voice each day with the intention of applying the truth to my own life, then sharing your messages to those around me, to encourage and help them! Amen.

By Karen Woodard
used by Permission

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