March 18, 2025
Waiting on God
Repentance, Rest, Quiet, Trust. There is something about these words that appeals to me. They are contrary to human nature, but calming when I am stressed or fearful.
Read more..Repentance, Rest, Quiet, Trust. There is something about these words that appeals to me. They are contrary to human nature, but calming when I am stressed or fearful.
Read more..We had been aware of the difficulties these two couples faced, but never dreamed both marriages would fail within the same year.
Read more..“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
Read more..Do you know the secret to a lasting marriage? Kindness! It is a choice that we all make on a daily basis, but it is like giving water to a thirsty soul, knowing how thirsty we have also been in the past.
Read more..In our rich culture, there are a lot of young (and old!) men and women who do not want to give up everything to follow Jesus.
Read more..It’s hard to know what is true anymore! Father, please help me to take hold of what is true in a world that has so much that is false and counterfeit, and to know that your Spirit’s work in me is real,
Read more..How can you freely give to others in the way that God has freely given you all that you need for his Kingdom work?
Read more..Father, thank you for sweet times of solitude and prayer that help us prepare for a day of serving others! Help us to bring you all of our worship and concerns, as we head into whatever you have called us to do today. Amen.
Read more..I kept hearing about others in Christian ministry who were “burning out” because they took on too much. I kept wondering how this could happen
Read more..Is the tension between the freedom that Christ came to give you, and the weight of fulfilling the law has been struggle for you?
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