November 16, 2020
Putting Out Fires
Wickedness is like fire, it does not stay in one place, but burns out of control.
Read more..Wickedness is like fire, it does not stay in one place, but burns out of control.
Read more..I used to think that Christians should never get angry, but the Bible acknowledges that we will be angry sometimes. The issue is what we do with our anger.
Read more..Are you a good listener? Studies have shown that we stop talking only an average of 17 seconds before we resume speaking in a conversation, and most of that time, we are thinking about what we want to say next! Sometimes prayer can be like that, with God barely getting a word in edgewise, as we monopolize the conversation.
Read more..Sometimes even God’s greatest gifts go unused because in order to fully benefit from them, we need to admit we need help. We can all humbly use the amazing gift of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives, relying on him moment by moment.
Read more..When I am fearful, I tell myself this truth: God is with me and I can trust Him to keep me safe.
Read more..Redeemer God, you know the despair I feel at times. Help me to believe that you’ve already made a way for me, and that you are going before me, even if I cannot see what you are doing for me right now.
Read more..The book of Job is my favorite, not because it is about suffering, but because it is about knowing God in a deeper way to the point that I can trust Him and say with Job,“For I know that my Redeemer lives, ...
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