Ben is nine months old and has just begun to crawl. He is a happy baby and also very determined. Last week, his mother Renée brought him to visit us, and for about thirty minutes he played happily with some blocks. Then he decided to explore the house and after a while found the stairway to the second floor.
Although he had never crawled up that many stairs before, he put his knee on the first step and pulled and pushed and strained up the first stair, then the next, determined to get to the top. Every few stairs, he would look at us and grin as if to say, “I did it!” His mother was right behind him, encouraging him, watching over him so he wouldn’t fall backward, and helping him when he got tired.
God is like Ben’s mother. He sends His angels to hover over us and take care of us. His Spirit is in us to give us the determination to do what we start to do, and not quit.
Sometimes life seems so hard that we are tempted to quit, but the Bible encourages us to, “Run in such a way as to get the prize” (1 Corinthians 9:24).
So be encouraged! God is watching over you, helping you, and giving you wisdom. He loves you as a mother loves her young child.
Thank You, Father, that although there are billions of people in the world, You are great and love and care for each one of us. Help us remember that. Amen.
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