by Marilyn Ehle
“Put on God’s armor…fit your feet with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.” Ephesians 6:11, 15
“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of a messenger who proclaims peace, who brings good news, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God rules! “Isaiah 52:7 (Common English Bible)
Rumor has it that in the 1800s, a London police officer developed a rubber-soled shoe in order to quietly catch criminals in the act. He called his invention “sneakers.” The name was born from the fact that the rubber soles of the shoes made them noiseless. Canadians and the Irish call them runners. British call them trainers. Americans call them sneakers or tennis shoes. Whatever their name, all these are shoes which equip the wearer for activity.
So what does it mean to “fit your feet”? Some believe that the writer was referring to how soldiers protected their feet with shoes that preserved the foot from danger in battle, especially during long marches. Whatever the exact meaning of these shoes, they are definitely part of the way Christians are to be spiritually prepared to march long and well in following after Christ. Well-fitting shoes are essential for healthy feet; properly designed shoes are necessary for their intended activity. Our activity is to proclaim peace, bring good news, proclaim salvation and boldly declare that God rules.
Preparing for the activity—putting on the proper shoes—means that we personally experience God’s peace by casting all our care on him. We not only proclaim salvation but experience it as God continually saves us from all that hinders and weighs us down. And what unique joy we have to believe in God’s sovereignty over every aspect of our lives. God says we have beautiful feet!
Lord, it’s so easy to think that slipshod preparation will “armor” me, and then I fall into undisciplined living. Keep reminding me to make sure my armor fits.
What two or three things do you do to make sure you are prepared for spiritual battle?
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