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Bomb Scare in India

Published on March 19, 2011

by Katherine Kehler

Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or hour” Matthew 25:13

Christian DevotionalWe were on one of those “around the world in 10 days” trips.
It was December and my husband Marvin and I, along with another couple, had been on the road – actually in the air – for five days. We were getting weary and I was eager to get home to complete my Christmas preparations.

We were flying from Ethiopia to meet friends in Bangalore, India. From there we were flying to Singapore, Hong Kong and Macau. Only five days left.

On the flight to India, the people in the plane were very noisy, or at least it seemed that way. Lack of sleep has a way of magnifying sounds.  I noticed the flight attendants whispering amongst themselves. They looked concerned. Shortly after, the pilot came on the public address system and then I understood.  He announced very calmly, “Please pay careful attention. We have received notice that there could be a bomb on this plane. You must be calm. We will not taxi to the air terminal when we land, but to the far end of the airstrip. You will be taken to the terminal by bus.”

The people on the plane became very quiet. The incessant, loud chatter turned to silence. Everyone was deep in thought, evaluating their life, no doubt. I know I was. My first thoughts were, “Well, Lord, maybe I’ll see You today. That would be wonderful.” I had such a calm and peaceful spirit – it didn’t seem normal.

This is the blessing of knowing God personally and being in the center of His will. There is no fear in facing Him. In fact, great joy will fill your heart at the thought of seeing Him soon.

Elisabeth Elliot, a well-known author and speaker, once told a group of women that the safest place for any person is in the center of God’s will. I experienced this truth that day. We were certainly relieved when the bomb threat turned out to be a false alarm. But even during the time of wondering if the plane might be blown to bits, I felt safe. I was exactly where God wanted me to be.

The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms” (Deuteronomy 33:27).

Father, thank you for giving us peace, perfect peace, in place of fear. Amen.

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