“But the godly shall flourish like palm trees. . . . Even in their old age they will still produce fruit and be vital and green. This honors the Lord, and exhibits his faithful care” Psalm 92:12–14
Anna is over ninety years old and, because of a chemical imbalance, has suffered from depression periodically for thirty-five years. She has a vital relationship with the Lord, though, and when she needs to be in a hospital, she blesses the patients by playing piano for them.
Her fingers are gnarled and she can’t extend her little fingers anymore. Recently, when her daughter brought her large print copies of her favorite hymns, she sat down at the piano and began to play. A gentleman, who seldom responded to anything, asked to be taken closer to the piano. After he listened to her for a while, he told her that he used to sing those songs. She encouraged him to sing with her, but he said he couldn’t sing anymore. She showed him her gnarled hands and said, “My fingers are crooked and some of them don’t open anymore, yet I still play piano — you should keep singing.”
As I listened to Marilyn relate this story about her mother, I looked at my hands. Most of the joints on my fingers are gnarled and painful because of arthritis. Lately, I have begun to wonder if I should discontinue directing the website, Thoughts about God (http://www.thoughtsaboutgod.com/) as the repetitive motion of typing at the computer most of the day inflames the joints even more.
But during the last twenty-four hours, the Lord gave me three clear signs that He wanted me to continue reaching and discipling people through the Internet. The story Marilyn told us about her mother was the first sign. Second, my husband and I had coffee with a couple our age who are continuing with their business (even though they have faced serious health issues) rather than retiring so they can fund more outreach projects. Third, I was informed that a large donation had arrived for the website. I knew God had spoken.
Did God know I was ready to quit? He did, even though I hadn’t talked to Him about it. And today He sent me three clear signs to keep going. When God calls us, He supplies all our needs. “And it is He who will supply all your needs from His riches in glory. . . .” (Philippians 4:19).
How are you doing today? Are you ready to quit because of adverse circumstance? Before you quit, ask God what He wants you to do. He will show you.
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