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The Paradox of Trust

Published on April 11, 2014

trustby Marilyn Ehle

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you… In God I trust and am not afraid.Psalm 56:3 and 11

Paradox: a statement or tenet contrary to received opinion or belief, especially one that is incredible, absurd or fantastic.

The psalmist is quick to admit that fear stalks his path. He says that his “enemies are in hot pursuit.”  He acknowledges that he is miserable, that he weeps. And in the middle of his fear, he chooses to put his trust in God.

Choosing. That’s the key. Author Stephen Macchia relates the story of his friend, Joanna (who) “is one of the most lovingly disciplined women of God that I have ever met.” He quotes his friend thusly: “The disciplines of choosing to live by faith and practicing the presence of God lead naturally into the disciplines of living a life of gratitude, a lifestyle of forgiveness and the ongoing willingness to wait patiently for to work in our lives in ways that please and honor him.”*

We choose to trust when we are afraid. As we trust we are not afraid. The beautiful paradox of trust!

From:*Becoming a Healthy Disciple

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