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A Lingering Aroma

Published on October 18, 2021

Lord, remind me to regularly bathe in your Word and allow your Spirit to cleanse me so that any aroma that lingers long after I’ve left the premises, will not only draw people to you, but will also be a “sweet scent rising” to you.

“Everywhere we go, people breathe in the exquisite fragrance. Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God, which is recognized by those on the way of salvation—an aroma redolent with life. But those on the way to destruction treat us more like the stench from a rotting corpse.” 2 Corinthians 2:15 (The Message)

Four doors lead from our condominium building into the entryway. Our neighbors range from young singles to more mature couples. We are a good group of neighbors who greet each other pleasantly, always willing to help with the mundane fix-it problems of suburban life. We have extremely different lifestyles but respect each other and generally live in harmony. One morning after bringing in the daily paper, I remarked to my husband, “Joe just left for his office.” Since I had barely reached out our door for the paper that lay on the mat, my husband, who knew I had not talked with anyone, was justifiably surprised. “What made you think he was on his way to work?”  “I smelled his aftershave lotion,” was my reply. Joe, always dressed in the most businesslike attire, always splashed on his aftershave lotion with what I considered a somewhat heavy hand. It wasn’t a particularly offensive aroma, it just lingered long after he left the premises. We who are Christ followers, if we regularly bathe in the love, mercy and grace of God will be giving off an aroma. True, that scent can be offensive to those who refuse to acknowledge the Christ we follow, but our responsibility is simply to be the bearers of fragrance.

Lord, remind me to regularly bathe in your Word and allow your Spirit to cleanse me so that any aroma that lingers long after I’ve left the premises, will not only draw people to you, but will also be a “sweet scent rising” to you.

By Marilyn Ehle
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   Healing Oil
•   He Put a Song in My Heart
•  Salvation Explained

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