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Peeking into God’s Mind

Published on January 12, 2019

How precious are your thoughts concerning me, O God! How vast is the sum of them.”  Psalm 139:17

Many of us bask in the knowledge of God’s presence with us. We find comfort in words like, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” We imagine Jesus’ still-tentative disciples finding hope in the words, “Surely I am with you always.”  Our hearts ponder and cling to his always-abiding presence.

But the Hebrew psalmist gives us a fresh glimpse into God’s heart. Not only can we think about God, but he thinks about us! David seems almost overwhelmed by the concept of God’s unwavering attention being focused on his children. He describes God’s thoughts as not merely cerebral; they are precious, a Hebrew word with the nuance of value or great and heavy worth.

And then, as though he can hardly imagine this facet of God’s nature, David says God’s thoughts about us are not only rare and beautiful, but vast in number. It is as though God’s mind, contemplating us, overflows with thought after thought after thought of his precious children.

To meditate on this picture of God draws me to my knees in wonder and adoration. I do not deserve such loving attention. It is an irresistible gift of a gracious God.

Father, I am drawn to you in a new way as I ponder your thoughts about me. How you must long for my companionship just as you wanted to walk with your first children in the garden. Thank you, oh thank you, dear Father.

By Marilyn Ehle
Used by Permission

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