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His Timing

Published on April 30, 2021

This is what the Lord says: ‘There will be a special time when I show my kindness. Then I will answer your prayers. There will be a special day when I will save you. Then I will help you and protect you.’”
Isaiah 49:8 (ERV)

Many of us are experiencing challenging times right now.

Frustration rises as we pray and anxiously await answers from the Lord.  Tempers are flaring and many are probably contemplating giving up and letting go of their promises from the Lord.  I beseech you today my brothers and sisters to hold on, just a little while longer.

The Lord is at work in the midst of your situations.  He is moving on your behalf. Often times we try to tempt the hand of God by our temper tantrums, pity parties, and by issuing ultimatums; none of these will move God. He is only moved by our faith.  Whenever challenges arise, we must make it a point to remain in agreement with the Lord.

Today’s scripture reference stood out to me as I sought the Lord concerning some pressing issues. It immediately spoke hope and peace to my heart. I want to do the same for you today. The Lord says there is a special time, a special day when answers will be made known to us. He does everything according to His plan and His purpose for us.  It is up to us to trust His heart of compassion towards us.

I pray today that we will no longer look at what is not happening, but that we will focus on what You are doing in this season in our lives. Father, remind us that frustration sets in when we do things out of season.  Teach us to recognize what You are blessing right now and to work in that. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Thought: Find other scriptures in reference to God’s timing and write them out on index cards. When anxiety arises, pull them out and meditate upon them.

By Mary Pinckney
Used by Permission

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