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What Matters to You Matters to God

Published on April 13, 2019

The first miracle of Jesus was at a wedding—no small event.  For several days, there was gift-giving, speech making, food-eating, and wine-drinking.   Hospitality was a sacred duty  The absence of wine was a social embarrassment.  Mary asks her son to help, and he tells her that his “time has not yet come.” But he changed his plan to meet the needs of his friends.

This miracle tells us that what matters to you matters to God. You are his child.  So go ahead. Tell God what hurts.  He won’t turn you away or think it’s silly.  Hebrews 4:15-16 says,

“For our high priest is able to understand our weaknesses…Let us, then, feel very sure that we can come before God’s throne where there is grace.”

Does God care about the little things in our lives?  You better believe it.

By Max Lucado

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From: He Still Moves Stones

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