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Heart Tuning

Published on June 22, 2011

by Marilyn Ehle

How wonderful it is, how pleasant for God’s people to live together in harmony!”   Psalm 133:1 (Good News translation)

Before the orchestra conductor makes an appearance, the violinist stands. She asks the principal oboe player to sound a “tuning A,” a note which the oboist plays the same each time because of the way the instrument is made. Soon the audience hears what seems like a cacophony of sound. Oboes, cellos, trombones all seek to match that perfect note, tuning their own instruments until they hear that their note is the same as the oboe’s.  When they begin their performance, they play in perfect harmony.

In the 18th century, Robert Robinson wrote the words to the hymn, “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing.” One phrase lingers: “Tune my heart to sing Thy grace.” I wonder how often we attempt to sing—or more commonly, speak—of God’s grace without proper tuning. We have not taken time to look closely into our hearts to see if we are “in tune” with our maestro, our Master.

And what music would the world outside the doors of the church hear if each of us listened to the perfect pitch of the Holy Spirit? A hungry, waiting world is dying to hear the perfect music played on the instruments of God’s grace.

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