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Published on June 23, 2011

by Vonette Bright

This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” John 15:12

Christian recording artist Derick Thompson had just finished his junior year at college.
An elderly couple, Bob and Bev, needed help with general tasks.
So they invited Derick to move into their upstairs apartment.
Bev knew Jesus, but her faith was weak.
Bob didn’t have a personal relationship with God and cancer was taking his life.
But they both saw God through Derick’s service.

Derick’s band STRIVE was invited by Campus Crusade for Christ to come to Russia.
This short-term project helped promote AIDS awareness and share the love of Christ.
While Derick was overseas, he continued to pray for Bob and Bev.
And miracle of miracles, Bob prayed to invite Christ into his heart and Bev rededicated her life to God!

Dear one, serve Christ by serving others.  Share God’s love in tangible ways, too.

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