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I’m Here, God

Published on October 2, 2017

The Lord takes pleasure in his people… Psalm 149:4

It seems silly to announce my presence to God, and yet almost every morning when I settle into the rocker after coffee, I find myself spontaneously whispering, “I’m here, God.”

Do I see him smiling at my naivety, or is that smile more the welcome of a loving parent who cannot control his joy at the adored child’s return? I haven’t been in a “far country” like the prodigal—just busily preparing for my day. Or sometimes retreating in the middle of that detail-filled day.

My head knows and believes God’s omnipresence. But not only is he everywhere at any one time, he is with me in the “omni”—in all my places, in all my ways, without limits.

When I whisper, “I’m here,”this knowledge somehow moves from head to heart and I begin to quietly experience his presence. “I am with you always” settles into my being, prepares me to “go into all the world,” whether that world consists of housework, study or relationships. And in that going I often hear, “I’m here, Marilyn.”

To imagine your joy in me, Father, is near unimaginable and yet your presence brings me comfort and confidence.

by Marilyn Ehle
Used by Permission

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