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Published on October 1, 2017

One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.” Luke 16:10 (ESV)

Recently I was faced with an obstruction, a short queue of cars, and a set of traffic lights. The lights were changing to red, so I slowed down to wait for them to go green again. Apparently, this was all too much for the driver behind to bear, and he raced through the traffic lights, now red.

As I sat there waiting for the lights to turn green a chorus of car horns was heard coming from the queue behind. Then another car zoomed out from further down and then pulled in front of me, narrowly missing the startled cars coming around the corner, which was currently their entitlement!

There have been a number of people breaking the law around me on the roads in the last few days, which is not the norm. I guess this was just God’s spur to encourage me to put into words that which has been in the back of my mind.

I have been pondering these words above from Jesus. How faithful am I in being His disciple: in all things? Faithfulness appears to be systemic. We cannot pick and choose what parts to obey!

As we work out our faith, day by day, obedience influences who we are in Christ, and also our calling. Being in the world but not of it, encouraging godly perspectives and being distinctive, increases our capacity to serve and follow. Whose footsteps are we following in?

How good is our faith?

Through being faithful, in words and actions we become closer to the will of God for our lives. Well that is the theory and I long for it. Sadly my efforts are not often good enough. Instead I find myself on my knees time and again in need of His Grace to stand me up, wash me down and speak words of encouragement to be faithful, to persevere, every day!

PRAYER: LORD, You alone are faithful when we are faithless. We ask for You to come and abide in us again, forgiving our sins in Jesus’ name and delivering us from evil. May Your light shine in us in all things, to increase our our faithfulness to You, in Jesus name, amen.

by Rod Marshall
Used by Permission

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