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Who Do You Say I Am

Published on December 21, 2011

by Marilyn Ehle

“What about you? Who do you say I am?”  Matthew 16:15

At this most sacred time of the Christian year, we must pause to examine what we really believe about Jesus. With our human penchant for extremes, it is easy to swing on the pendulum of emotion, past impression or understanding, or cultural emphases. We even press Jesus into our personal faith story: how we first came to know Him. What He has done for us? What He means to us?

Who do you say I am?” If—no, when—the neighbor, colleague, classmate asks who is this Jesus we’ve committed ourselves to, what is the answer?

Realistically our answer will be a combination of emotional encounter, intellectual and cultural understanding and personal experience. We will know our answer has effect when someone says—as did King Darius after both hearing and seeing Daniel’s faith—“He is the living God and He endures forever.”

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