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Holy Holiday

Published on December 19, 2011

By Vonette Bright

This is such a perfect time of year to express God’s love to others.

Here are a few ideas.

  • Write to someone in military service.  Consider sending a care package.
  • Make a date to celebrate Christmas with a lonely nursing home resident.
    Maybe even make it a monthly commitment!
  • If you have a bad shopping experience, replace your complaint letter with a note saying that you’ll be praying for them this year.
  • Take time to tell your neighbors about Christ’s story by showing them the JESUS DVD. It could be a life-changing party!
  • Smile when you meet a stranger.
  • That salesperson may only be allowed to say Happy Holidays.
    But give them a warm smile and kind word.  Then wish them a Merry Christmas!

Friend, make a point of doing something to share God’s love this holy holiday.

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