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An Abiding Truth

Published on March 15, 2022

Christ’s powerful presence that now remains in me can never be broken.

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world1 John 4:4

When I am fully abiding in God, the feeling is akin to invincibility. My mind, heart, and spirit are peacefully connected to the Lord in an unbreakable way. I’m strong and capable of withstanding all the ‘Jedi mind tricks’ of the devil. Outside of that sublime bubble, however, it’s a different story.

The busyness of life comes with its cacophony of distractions and frustrations, leaving me vulnerable to negative thoughts coupled with ridiculous and unproductive feelings. Then, I lose focus, as well as the peace I had started off with in the day’s beginning. Most times, I’m able to retreat from the emotional precipice trying to pull me down and I re-enter the familiar internal calmness.

Those situations speak to the ever-present danger of the enemy and all the tricks of his trade. He is determined to overpower me with dark and deceitful tactics he wields in this world. He is relentless in fulfilling that agenda.

However, as soon as I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior, many years ago, Satan had already failed in his attempts to win me back. Christ’s powerful presence that now remains in me can never be broken. Even though I may stagger in my thinking from time to time.

Indeed, there is an intense impetus enduring in me that I embrace and nurture each day. A powerful presence that helps me seek good over evil. A strength enabling me to live in the abiding truth that Jesus, who resides in me, gives me all I need to overcome any worldly deceptions and temptations.

God gives us as Christians the capacity to defeat the cunning evil in the world through the power of the Holy Spirit indwelling us. His dominion is sealed and guarantees Satan’s downfall. Let us always live by these powerful truths.

Precious Jesus, thank you for taking up residence in me through the power of your Holy Spirit. I know that there is nothing in this world that can defeat you. Help me trust in your power whenever I am tempted to walk in my own strength rather than yours. I praise you, Jesus. Amen.

Read, aloud, today’s verse. Again. Then meditate on it and allow its powerful truth to seep into your heart and strengthen your resiliency against any and every evil opposition.

By Melissa Talbot
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

Dirty Oven – Sin in our life is like a dirty oven

•  The Package! Dealing with Unexpected Circumstances

•  Salvation Explained

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