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Lessons Learned From a Four Year Old: Comfort

Published on July 9, 2011

by Mike Woodard

Christian DevotionalMy grandson came over last weekend. He was not having a good day!  Tears were rolling down his cheeks. I acknowledged how he was feeling by saying, “It does not look like you are having a good day, so come and sit with me.”  He climbed into my lap and sat quietly.  After a few minutes, he got up and went happily on his way.  Comfort seemingly had come in the quiet moments of sitting on my lap.

As I thought about how simply my grandson’s angst was resolved, it made me ask myself, How and when do I feel comforted?”  Comfort could come from lots of different places, some positive and others negative. Some sources are family, friends and even from material things.  It could also come from a bottle, a pill or some form of physical satisfaction like food or sex. These can takes your mind off the source of your bad day, comfort or deaden a deeper pain. But they are all temporary…

Ultimate and lasting comfort comes only from knowing that you are loved, from a Source that is limitless, eternal and unchanging.  God is the ultimate Source of true comfort. Have you sat on His lap today?

Isaiah 40:11 says, “He (God) tends his flock like a Shepherd; He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to His heart; He gently leads those that have young.”

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