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Facing the Truth

Published on July 18, 2011

by Vonette Bright

“Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.” Colossians 3:18

The study of God’s Word brought Vonda Skelton face-to-face with the truth:
She had nagged and pouted and bulldozed her way through fifteen years of marriage.
She was totally oblivious to the damage she was doing to her husband Gary.

Until the night he told her he wanted to leave.

But God is mighty and all-powerful.

He can even take defiance and work a miraculous change in a person’s heart.
As Vonda began to study about Biblical submission, she learned to relate to her husband as Christ relates to God.

She said, “This incredible journey has not always been fun, but it saved my marriage, (It) gave me a new love for my husband, and taught me the true meaning of voluntary submission.
When you are praying for your husband to change, don’t be surprised if God changes you along the way.

Seeing Through the Lies” by Vonda Skelton

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