August 28, 2024
Victory In Jesus
All power is Yours, Sovereign God my Father. I step intentionally into the protection of the blood of the worthy Lamb of God.
Read more..All power is Yours, Sovereign God my Father. I step intentionally into the protection of the blood of the worthy Lamb of God.
Read more..In Case I Die. Our death could happen today, or it may be a while, but it will.
Read more..Twelve Things Jesus is to Me. Jesus is…My Shepherd who always leads me to a prepared place; My Truth who has never misspoken;
Read more..Have you ever heard comments about successful leaders such as, “I would never have expected him/her to succeed?”
Read more..The Beatitudes are not the Scriptural equivalent of your mama's admonition to "be sweet." They outline the new way of the kingdom that Jesus said we should seek above all else (Matthew 6:33). It is a tall order to be like Jesus, like His dependence, His compassion, His humility, His longing for the Father's glory.
Read more..After a while, insecure people typically get angry. When they go so long feeling so poorly about themselves, they start to resent the success and happiness of others.
Read more..When it comes to serving one another, think of yourself as the shoeshine man.
Read more..It was Sunday morning and we were having coffee and a bagel at the local coffee shop before we went to church. A young woman walked into the coffee shop, wheeling her baby in a stroller.
Read more..You can be afraid and discouraged because of the vast army against you, or you can be confident and encouraged because God is with you. He is your hope and your victory in the battle.
Read more..We comprehend God as Jesus, the Son? But God as Spirit? The word itself is mystical.
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