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December 3, 2021

Each Step We Take

oday, I want to leave these scriptures with you. I run to them often for encouragement when I don’t know which step to take next.

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December 2, 2021

Hunger Pains

Lord, Fill me to the brim with your goodness, wisdom, and mercy. Let it sustain me as I go through my day. Amen.

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December 2, 2021

He Does Glorious Things

Mere human words could never express the gratitude that wells up within one’s heart at the thought of God’s great gifts.

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December 1, 2021

Your Consolation

God is our comforter, sustainer, and Lord. Only his gracious presence and tender blessings can bring consolation and comfort to our restless and discouraged souls.

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December 1, 2021

Blessing from Psalm 16

You are kept and protected by God for He is your refuge. Choose to put your trust in God and hide yourself in Him. Be blessed to rejoice in your Lord. You have no good beside or beyond Him.

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November 30, 2021

You Are Never Alone

Jesus is always with us, even at our weakest and loneliest moments, reassuring us that “he will never leave us or forsake us.”

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November 30, 2021

Your Hand Will Guide Me

Father, Thank you for the assurance that I won't have to face a day without you. Thank you for the comfort of knowing that I will never face my sorrows alone.

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November 29, 2021

Risk Believing in God

Take a risk. Believe in God.  He will do what he has said he will do.

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November 29, 2021


"But the person who is righteous will live his life by trust." "And without trusting, it is impossible to be well pleasing to God, because whoever approaches him must trust that he does exist and that he becomes a rewarder to those who seek him out."

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November 28, 2021

Comparison is a Thief

Father grant us peace today about Your plans for us. Help us not to compare our journey to that of others

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