August 16, 2021
Don’t Let Your Past Control Your Future
Release your hold on your life and throw the door open on the dynamic of God's will for your future.
Read more..Release your hold on your life and throw the door open on the dynamic of God's will for your future.
Read more..God promises throughout His Word that He has got our future under control and has amazing plans for us. He knows our past and can use it for great things. Our focus needs to be in the present. Here. Right now. This moment. Today, I can enjoy His presence anxiety-free and experience His blessings, while leaving the future and the past to Him.
Read more..What comes out of our mouths when we are bumped? What a testimony it is when, instead of anger, out come words of faith and blessing.
Read more..Who is it you are looking for?” Down through the ages the same question is whispered to every human at one time or another.
Read more..Have you ever been persecuted because of your faith in Christ? If so, how did you respond?
Read more..Thank you, Almighty God, for always being near. I know that there are many times when I am not aware of your nearness or of your providence at work or of your miraculous moving in history.
Read more..Reassurance: There is help and reassuring hope for those who trust in the LORD. Psalm 146
Read more..In the moment of vulnerability that always comes with confession, let God love you. Walk out into the world forgiven.
Read more..If your God is Mighty enough to ignite the sun, could it be that He is mighty enough to light your path?
Read more..My husband and I have just been through the stressful period of moving after 40 years in the one house.
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