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December 17, 2020

Using God’s Kindness

How has God shown you kindness, and how can you through everyday actions show kindness to others?

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December 17, 2020

Walk it Out

“Whatever you did for the one of the least of these brothers and sisters of

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December 16, 2020

Lonely Holiday

All too often, holidays don’t meet expectations. Especially Christmas. For some, it’s filled with family times, parties, church activities, and gift exchanges. But you may be spending this year at home alone. Don’t fret!

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December 13, 2020


I did a Bible word search for the word "Praise" and it appears 296 times in the New International version of the Bible.  I read through all 296 of them this morning. All but a six are in reference to praising God. It was a good exercise. By the time I finished - all I wanted to do was praise the Lord. There was no reference to man praising man. It actually speaks against it.

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December 13, 2020

Reason(s) for the Season

What new reasons for the season can we offer? What new work of God is happening in our lives? What new truths from the Bible are becoming reality?

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December 12, 2020

Lavish Grace

So, how often do you sin, hmm… in an hour?  For the sake of discussion, let’s say ten times an hour.  Ten sins an hour, times sixteen waking hours, times 365 days a year, times the average life span of 74 years. 

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December 11, 2020

You Can Have Joy

Joy is true contentment that comes from internal factors like our faith in the Lord. True joy is everlasting and not dependent upon circumstances.

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December 11, 2020

Divine Appointments

My seat was in row thirty-seven, a window seat in the back of the plane. The seat beside me had an “occupied” sign on it, so I knew that the occupant must have boarded the plane in another city.

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December 10, 2020

Jesus, from Everlasting to Everlasting

Question: What does the fact that Jesus has always existed and will always exist mean for you and me?

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December 8, 2020


Each time you become aware of having sinned, bring it immediately to Jesus, thanking him for his perfect forgiveness of all your sins including that one. Then invite him to transform that area of your life through his Spirit.

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