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November 21, 2020

Blessed are the Humble

As commonly interpreted, the word “blessed” means “happy”   You and I are assured of happiness when we are making conscious strides toward humility. All of this becomes possible as we yield to God’s indwelling Holy Spirit.

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November 21, 2020

A Little Frayed

The frenzied pace we sometimes choose to keep can take a toll on our homes and impact our relationships. When we live at a pace that continually drains us we end up taking it out on those closest to us.

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November 20, 2020

Seed Planter

How much faith do you need to plant a seed and to make it grow? Planting feels like a lot of work without seeing much results on the spot.

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November 18, 2020

Welcome Jesus into the Turbulence

Follow the example of the disciples.  Welcome Jesus into the midst of this turbulent time. Don’t let the storm turn you inward.  Let it turn you upward.  Remember, my friend, you are never alone.

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November 17, 2020

In Our Weakness

ometimes our prayers seem to bounce off the ceiling and fall to the floor. Other times, we are overcome with emotion and the words of our prayers can't capture what's in our hearts.

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November 17, 2020

David’s Tears

When I was young, most boys were told that a man doesn't cry. It showed emotional weakness and loss of control. A boy that cried was told he was acting like a girl! But in Psalm 86, David declared, “Be merciful to me, O Lord, for I cry to You all day long.”

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November 16, 2020

Putting Out Fires

Wickedness is like fire, it does not stay in one place, but burns out of control.

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November 16, 2020

Jonah Just Doesn’t Get it

Jonah was so caught up in his own self-righteousness that, in the end, all he could care about was himself and a stupid plant. Meanwhile, God was having compassion for a hundred and twenty thousand people who were trapped in their own ignorance, along with many animals, which God cared about, too.

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November 15, 2020

Talk the Walk

Is it possible to tame our tongue?Only with God’s help. Practically, think before speaking. Choose and use words wisely – intentionally avoiding gossip, soul-searing slander

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November 15, 2020

Pay Back Time

The Holy Spirit is the guide who nudges our heart when we are prone to get off God’s track. Pay attention to the stirrings of your soul.

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