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September 2, 2020

Words that Saved My Life

Words are powerful for good or for destruction. Words can bless or wound deeply.

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September 1, 2020

Look to Jesus

'Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path' Proverbs 3:5&6

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September 1, 2020

Be Thankful for Weakness

Power is sexy. We live in a world that admires strength and pities weakness. Fortune 500 companies, movie stars, and politicians all have some level of power over our lives. Some athletes have the physical power to dominate their opponents. We often celebrate and admire the power they all have.

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August 31, 2020

Comforting Others in Grief

Lord, help me to put away bitterness born of grief and disappointment, and instead look outward to those who desperately need encouragement

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August 30, 2020


“Heavenly Father please help us judge others as you would judge us, for in the same way we judge others, you will judge us and with the measure we use, you will measure us.

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August 30, 2020

The Heart is What Matters

God, forgive me for judging others’ faith by their outward appearance. Help me see people the way You do. Amen.

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August 29, 2020

Thorned for a Reason

How do you see someone who is being a thorn in your flesh? Is there someone in your life who just rubs you the wrong way?

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August 29, 2020

Grace Received, Grace Given

For if you forgive men when they sin against you, Your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

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August 28, 2020

Don’t Be Afraid

Let God bring you life.. He won’t turn you away, and you will have his love forever. Fear him while you have breath and come to him in repentance.

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August 27, 2020

God Sized Prayers

Our prayers don't have to be limited to what we can think of to ask for. God is far greater and more creative.

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