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October 7, 2018


God meets us where we are in life, and when we accept Him as Savior, He can use us no matter how unholy, inept, or unworthy we feel. There have been times I have doubted I am making a difference.

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October 4, 2018

What’s Your Excuse?

Abba it is only by Your grace that we are able to walk out the assignment You have given us. We recognize our insufficiencies but help us to focus on Your strength and not our own in our times of weaknesses. Thank You for choosing us to partner with You in advancing the Kingdom of God. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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October 1, 2018

Peace Has Been Provided

I’m not sure who came up with the concept that following Christ would be a cake walk. It’s false ideology. We have been hoodwinked! In our referenced scripture Jesus plainly speaks of the challenges we would face as disciples, disciplined followers of Christ.

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October 1, 2018

Mercy and Grace

You and I have stumbled in life.  We’ve done our best, only to trip and

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September 26, 2018

Pursue the Virtue of Contentment

Success is not defined by position or pay scale but by this: doing the most what you do the best. Better to be married to a happy person who has a thin wallet than a miserable person with a thick one.

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September 25, 2018

Time: God’s Gift to You and Me

Time spent on unforgiveness, worry, bitterness, jealousy, anxiety, fear, keeping malice, angry etc. is a wasted time. Use the time you have to love yourself, love Jesus, serve humanity, spend quality time with friends and families, and learn new exciting things.

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September 23, 2018

Putting Our Affairs in Order

Put your affairs in order. Words that jolt us out of the false sense of security we possess—likely brought about by an equally false sense of control.

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September 22, 2018


Here is where I breathe You deep inside my heart, Here is where You make me strong and make me more like You. Here is where You pour Your love like a river over me, Here is where my heart finds more of You.

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September 17, 2018

The Message of Grace

The message of God is the message of grace. Grace that is entirely God’s. God loving. God offering. God caring and God carrying! As you consider the insurmountable debt you owe, the debt you can never pay, let...

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September 14, 2018

God Understands You

God, So human he could touch people. So mighty he could heal people. So heavenly he spoke with authority. So human he could blend in unnoticed for thirty years. So mighty he could change history and be unforgotten for two thousand years. Because Jesus was human, He understands you. And...

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