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April 21, 2017

O My Soul

How have you been lately? Think honestly for a moment. Is peace your norm these days or has discouragement, fear, doubt, negativity, or chaos been your usual? We feed our spirits by the things we dwell on in our minds. God knows us so well.

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April 21, 2017


With God, there is no “wherever you would like to go is fine.” God wanted

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April 20, 2017

Going Through Marah

The message is clear. Whatever the bitter obstacles we encounter in life’s journey we can count on God to transform them and use them for good. When we cry out to God about our Marahs, He makes them sweet as we prepare for the next leg of our journey. God is big enough to deal with any problems we face.

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April 19, 2017

Heavenly Wisdom

“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate,

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April 18, 2017

A Wonderful Expression of Love

Heavenly Father, thank you for your ultimate sacrifice of your Son Jesus, so I may know you, love you, and share you here on the earth. Help me to remember that without you, I have nothing. Open my eyes to see the opportunities that you are giving me to share who you are with others. Amen.

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April 8, 2017

After What I Did, Can God Use Me Again?

When we have sinned, we are prone to think that, even though God forgives us, our life of service is finished. Our reputation is ruined. We’re a complete failure. Satan wants us to live in defeat, ...

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April 8, 2017

Dealing with Feelings of Guilt

Read: Ephesians 2: 1-10 Guilt can be like a poison working insidiously on the inside

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April 7, 2017

Forgiveness and the Risen Christ

On that glorious Easter morning our sins were forgiven and we were granted eternal life. However long we live we can never grasp the true meanings of those words or ...

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April 6, 2017

Delight Yourself

“Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

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April 5, 2017

Atrophying or Absorbing?

God is looking for people who are thirsty. In my own life am I absorbing (earnestly desiring to understand) or am I atrophying (withering)?

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