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Published on July 27, 2020

But we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother taking care of her own children. So, being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us.”  1 Thessalonians 2:7-8

Our church’s pastors and staff are amazing, gifted people. Our family has been blessed in innumerable ways by their ministry to us. In recent weeks, these gifted shepherds have been frustrated by their lack of ability to care for the flock. The shelter at home and social distancing orders of our local and state governments have kept us from meeting for our customary joyful worship services. Small groups have been disbanded for now also, or they have been moved to online.

In the early days of the stay at home orders, our leadership struggled for ways to continue to serve those they loved. Online, streaming worship services were a rough affair at first as our staff scrambled to get the equipment and make it all work. But they heroically persevered, and in recent weeks, we have all felt much more connected as we’ve been able to watch our worship team, sing familiar praise songs, and be fed from God’s Word.

I’m so grateful to have pastors and staff who give so much daily to care for us. Even when the times are so very strange and challenging, they come through. They are the muscles that keep the Body of Christ connected.

Perhaps your church is trying new ways to keep everyone connected as well. Will you join me in thanking God for the “care-givers” in our churches who continually find ways to reach out to their flock and will not let the Word be silenced?

Lord, I am grateful for our amazing shepherds who have found such unique ways of caring for and feeding your flock. I am so blessed to have these faithful people in my life. Please continue to bless and strengthen your church through this stressful time. Amen.

By Rank Kreycik
Used by Permission

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