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Shepherds and Sheep

Published on October 7, 2010

by Stuart Gordon & Grandson David

I am the good shepherd.  I know my sheep and they know me……..I lay down my life for the sheep.” John 10:14-15

It was on a family fishing trip to a remote fly-in lake where we held a devotional each morning following a big breakfast.  The thought for this day revolved around the 23rd Psalm and the Good Shepherd.  After exchanging a few thoughts, my 12 year old grandson, David, joined the conversation.  David is home-schooled and one of his assignments for a research paper was to learn about shepherds and sheep.  David, recalling his assignment offered the following comments:

•    A shepherd works hard to provide for his sheep
•    Sheep have no way to defend themselves
•    Sheep are unable to clean themselves
•    Sheep are totally dependent on the shepherd
•    Sheep often do not recognize danger
•    If a sheep continually strays, the shepherd will break its leg
•    In the Bible, God refers to us as sheep about 200 times

David’s comments made me very proud of him and his teacher (my daughter).  But the impact of those statements was profound.  Immediately I realized how true it is that we are like sheep, just as the Bible says.  We cannot defend ourselves – we need the strength that God provides; we cannot clean ourselves from our sin – but if we confess…he will forgive (1 John 1:9); we often do not recognize danger– yet God is directing our steps (Proverbs 16:9); when we go our own way, the Lord will “break a leg” to save us from ourselves – remember God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God (Romans 8:28).

I have experienced a few broken legs in my life – family, relationships, financial.  Each time God has proven to be the Good Shepherd.

Thank you, Lord, for constantly looking after your sheep.  Thank you for your love, forgiveness and the relationship we have with you.  Help me become the person (sheep) you want me to become.  Amen.

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