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Wooed and Won

Published on October 3, 2010

By Vonette Bright

“No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day.” John 6:44

God can woo you both intellectually and emotionally.  That’s what happened to Alex McFarland.

Most of his life, Alex attended a church that is now 250 years old.  He learned about God, the Bible, Jesus and Christianity. But, it wasn’t personal until college.

Then, Alex was invited to a weekly Bible study. He only attended because a girl he liked would be there. And really thought he knew enough facts about God.

But then he learned that Christ wanted a personal relationship with him. Through prayer, Alex invited Jesus to take control of his life.  And then he couldn’t get enough of God and His word!  So much so that today he’s an apologist, a defender of the faith.

Oh dear friend, God wants a personal relationship with you, too!
If you don’t know Him, would you like to?

10 Most Common Objections to Christianity“, by Alex McFarland

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