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Your Treasure is Awake

Published on May 30, 2019

As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Remain in my love.” John 15:9

One of the most magnanimous acts of God is that He has woven reciprocity into our relationship with Him. He asks me to love Him and He assures me that nothing can separate me from His love. He instructs me to delight in Him and declares that He delights in me. He tells me to draw near to Him, that He may draw near to me.

Then He compares the degree of His love for me to the best relationship of all. In John 15:9 Jesus says that He loves us as the Father has loved Him. He also directs us, “Remain in my love.”

Jesus’ love is in me. It remains in me. In this sense I don’t have to fill up my inner tank.  The reservoir of Jesus’ love for me stays full for the long haul. I matter that much to Him whether I’m active or still, awake or asleep.

A Cuban pastor who spoke at our church said, “When I wake up in the morning, I whisper, ‘Your treasure is awake now, Lord.’”

Your treasure is awake. What a thought! The treasure He bought with His suffering, death on the cross, and resurrection. Jesus loves us just as much as He was loved on earth by the Father, which means He loves us eternally and unconditionally.

A simple song I sang as a child goes like this, “Jesus loves me. This I know. For the Bible tells me so.” Do I know this? Do you? Do we live in the security of being treasures of God?

Heavenly Father, I read that Your love and presence were always with Jesus. He was never alone. No matter what was going on, Your love remained in Him. Please help me to be willing to let the truth that Jesus loves me like this, saturate my entire being. Thank You that I am filled with Your love and nothing can ever separate me from it today, or any day. Amen.

By Sue Braid
Used by Permission

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