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Thoughts By Sue Braid

May 19, 2024

Isaac’s Shocking Trust

How do I respond to the inexplicable events God allows? Do I trust my truly loving heavenly Father as much as Isaac trusted Abraham?

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November 27, 2023

When Panic Attacks

What spiritual machete can we use to hack through the tangle of terror to create a clearing for the reality that God is with us to strengthen and help us?

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November 20, 2022

What God Thinks about You

What do you think God thinks about you? Psalm 139 depicts God’s intimate, articulate, and unflinching knowledge of the detailed expanse we call our lives.

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September 27, 2022

Misery and Mercy

In anger, someone who chose to abandon Christianity - someone I love — said to me, “Who needs all that guilt?!”

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January 17, 2022

To Boldly Go

Lord Jesus, thank You for making a bold commitment to me by becoming like a slave to change my history, now and eternally. Thank You for Your willingness to die, then rise again, for me.

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December 9, 2021

Clues to Follow

Has your obedience taken you to surprising places lately? Will you stay and follow the clues to find the next step?

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November 5, 2021

Choosing Not to Have Your Say

“The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life…. When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lip is prudent. The tongue of the righteous is choice silver …. The lips of the righteous feed many.” Proverbs 10:11a; 19-21

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March 26, 2021

I Can’t Stand it Any More

I think part of worshipping the Lord, bowing down, and kneeling before Him is developing a long-range understanding of our circumstances. That is difficult.

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July 29, 2020

It’s Not about You

Belonging to God’s family can be a gentle rain on the desert of our loneliness. God, our Father, is ours because we are not the only believer left on earth. No matter how alone we may feel, we know that there are many others who worship Christ Jesus, our Lord.

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July 12, 2020

I Can’t Stand it Any More

When was the last time you felt flooded by your situation? Overwhelmed about anything today? David, the writer of Psalm 69, was in that sort of place.

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