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Clues to Follow

Published on December 9, 2021

Has your obedience taken you to surprising places lately?

Will you stay and follow the clues to find the next step?

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.Mark 16:15

On Sunday our grandson wrote clues for the latest scavenger hunt he was inventing. “Go to where the teeth eat meat,” said the first clue. Instead of finding the next clue at the kitchen table, we found it under Snapper, his hand-crafted four-foot long blue alligator.

In much the same way, I don’t know where I’ll be led next until I follow and obey God’s call to share His good news with others. Will there be scary people? Unusual places? My heart may be pounding as I listen and respond to the nudges God sends.

Sometimes I’d rather just stay put and be silent. Yet obedience is not just about trying to live to show Christ’s love. Lots of people may be loving and kind. But that’s not always enough. Obedience is also talking about who God is and what He has done for me.

The outcome may not always feel like success. All that my obedience may bring is the knowledge that I have obeyed to the best of my ability. At times the immediate experience may even feel like failure. But success in witnessing is simply sharing Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving the results up to God.

Has your obedience taken you to surprising places lately? Do you question whether this is the place God wants you to be? If so, will you stay and follow the clues to find the next step?

Oh Jesus, grant me the willingness to follow You to the places You are sending me in my own experiences at home with my family and in my neighborhood. Grant me the humility to obey You. For I have nothing to lose in the end. Amen.

By Sue Braid
Used by Permission

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