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Moving Too Quickly

Published on February 17, 2015

As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins… Ephesians 2:1

A man decided to go on a two-month vacation to the Amazon jungle. While he was away, some of his shady business practices came to light. His benevolent brother caught wind of it and worked tirelessly to acquit him, spending thousands in the process. By the time the man returned to civilization, his troubles had been resolved. His brother told him everything that had happened, but he didn’t grasp the gravity of his situation. His life went on as if nothing had happened.

His experience of these events kept him from any joy or gratitude because he was unwilling to stop and meditate on what he had been saved from.

Just as the man in the story neglected to express his gratefulness to his brother, we often do too. We constantly miss out on opportunities to be thankful for what God has done for us. We take Him for granted.

How often do we think,What if Christ left me in my sins, which is what I fully deserve? What if there was no grace, no mercy, no redemption?

The authors of the New Testament urge us to slow down and think about these things. If we speak only of where God has brought us and don’t talk about where we have been saved from, we diminish the scope of Jesus’ sacrifice and the love that God has for us.

May we draw joy and gratitude today as we hold in our imaginations the stark juxtaposition of what we have and what we deserve.

Father, You have saved us from a terrible fate, even though we don’t deserve it. Please empower us to see that all of life is grace. Amen.

By Thomas Pujol
Used by Permission

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