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Give Your Burdens to Jesus

Published on July 7, 2021

“..I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.  I am the good Shepherd. The good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”’  John 10:10-11

Cora was only fifteen.  But she needed to work to support her widowed mother and family. Three years later her mother died.  Cora worked even harder to keep her five siblings together. One by one they graduated and went off on their own.  Then Cora was alone for the first time in her life.  She felt her purpose for living was gone.

Cora took pills to lift her mood, but her depression got worse.
She gave up on life, overdosed and woke up in the hospital.
By her bedside was a Bible. She began reading the book of John. Cora saw how much God truly loved her. She prayed and gave her burdens and her heart to Jesus.  She left the hospital with a brand new purpose for living!

Oh, friend, God can, and will, give you a new outlook on life.

By Vonette Bright
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   Father God’s Intimate Love Letter to You
•  God is my Delight
•  Salvation Explained