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Costly Conversion

Published on July 4, 2018

Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you…..”However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.” 1 Peter 4:12 & 14  

After a meeting, my husband Bill was approached by a student from the Middle East.
He was attending a local university and Bill was speaking on the uniqueness of Jesus.
The young man said, “I was tremendously moved by what you said about Jesus tonight.  In my country when a person becomes a Christian he is often killed.”

The young man had been reading the Bible.
He decided Jesus was the One he had been seeking all his life.
But there were costs. His father would disown him and cut him off financially.
The young man would lose his visa and have to return to his country in disgrace.
So Bill knelt and prayed with the student as he chose to invite Christ into his life.

Persecution began almost immediately.

But today, my husband and that young martyr are rejoicing in Heaven together!

by Vonette Bright
Used by Permission

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Stories of Christians in Muslim Countries

A Christian Muslim in the Middle East – I am a Christian Muslim woman living in the Middle East.  Loving Jesus is a dangerous love.

Indonesian Women who Ministers to Muslims – Mary tells her story of sharing about Jesus love in an area of Indonesia where Christians are persecuted.

Ridwan – A Muslim Indonesian Fisherman tells his story of being draw-n to Jesus

Ribkah – an 8 year old Indonesian girl tells her story.

The Story of Andi, an Indonesian Christian Student discriminated by Muslim Teachers

Purnama Story’s – An Indonesian woman, divorced, baby out of wedlock. judgement and then acceptance.

Story of a Buddhist Monk

A story from Cameroon – From Despair to Hope

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