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Thoughts By Bill Strom

September 18, 2019

Called to Compassion

Dear God, help me understand your unfailing compassion for the world, and for me too. I confess that I am as messed up as people around me, and am desperately in need of your redeeming love. Keep from me a smugness of heart that would hold back my own compassion for others. Amen.

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August 28, 2019

Patience Toward My Enemies

Have you ever been bullied? When we experience hardship, we might ask, “What is God teaching me here, and how may I, like him, be patient and merciful even toward my enemies?”

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July 26, 2019

Walking Through Open Doors

God, help me pay attention to clear signs you provide regarding my future

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April 9, 2019

Run or Help?

As difficult as it is, can you withhold repaying evil for evil? Will you extend grace and forgiveness toward people who wound, offend, or assault you?

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March 5, 2019

We Are Not Consumed

When you pray, do you rant and shake your fist at God? Or do you sit quietly, assured of his faithful renewal even amidst turmoil?

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March 2, 2019

Helmet of Salvation

I remember as a child trying to figure out why the ‘armor of God’ fit particular parts of the body. “Take the helmet of salvation…” Ephesians 6:17a

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January 23, 2019

Praying on Behalf of Others

...So I prayed for him. Interceded for him. Not a long prayer, just one that asked God to help this brother forgive his mom for so much pain, and that they might be able to talk about it, and work through it.

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December 15, 2018

Joy in the Midst

How might we find joy amidst this busy season or when pressures abound? Might we learn from Mary who submitted herself to God, aware that He had her best interests at heart?

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March 28, 2018

Willing to Love, Able to Save

“Such a high priest [Jesus] truly meets our need—one who is holy, blameless, pure, set

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May 4, 2017

Lesson from the Belly of a Fish

Jonah's lesson: "When my life was ebbing away, I remembered you, Lord, and my prayer rose to you, to your holy temple" (Jonah 2:7). Jonah’s prayer is worth imitating because he recognized his wrongdoing, humbled himself, and rededicated himself to God’s ways.

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