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Thoughts By Bill Strom

July 20, 2022

Why Am I Feeling Sluggish?

“Hear my cry for mercy as I call to you for help, as I lift

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December 22, 2021

The Joy of the Lord is My Christmas

We sometimes say Christmas is a Holy Day, but personally I forget that too often amidst the tinsel, TV, toys and boys. I forget that genuine joy comes from celebrating Emmanuel

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November 28, 2021

The Sun Shines

Do you find yourself withholding love or rewards from people because you don’t like them?

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June 13, 2021

Crying from the Cave

Are you crying from a cave just now? Will you trust God to sustain you amidst your challenges?

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March 8, 2021

It’s Good to Forgive

Forgiving the offender helps them heal. Also, forgiving the offender helps the forgiver heal.

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July 24, 2020

Keeping Our Distance

These last months, the world has become accustomed to the phrase “social distancing,” which means staying six feet apart, limiting interaction, and living in quarantine. Why? To avoid catching the corona virus.

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February 2, 2020

When the Spirit Prompts, Forgive

Ever wonder how we are nudged by God’s Spirit? I have wondered if the Holy Spirit resides in my thoughts, feelings, or body. I consider this a mystery, however it works.

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December 21, 2019

Christmas Time. Family Time?

Christmas is about Hope. Hope is best shared with family even amidst broken family gatherings. Make the most of your Christmas gatherings.

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November 26, 2019

A New Name

The saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” could not be any more false. Actually, verbal abuse cuts to the core and wounds the spirit like piercing arrows.

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October 15, 2019

Better a Millstone

What causes you to stumble? What takes you away from God rather than drawing you closer to him? What makes you want to stop believing rather than rest in peaceful trust?

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