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Thoughts By Brigitte Straub

January 17, 2021

An Opportunity and Gift

An Opportunity and Gift - Devotional on HOPE: “Put your hope in the Lord both now and forever.” Psalm 131:3

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July 16, 2020

Preventing Walls of Hostility

The peace of God can demolish hostility. We must check our hearts daily and ask God, like David did in Psalm 139:23, to "Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts."

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May 15, 2020

Sustained in Difficult Times

Moment-to-Moment Action. Relying on God requires the intentional acknowledgement, on a daily basis, that Jesus is enough and that all we have been given is from Him.

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April 23, 2020

Heart Proofs

Open the eyes of my heart, Lord, so I may know you and hear what you have to say to me. I desire to do what you have called me to do in your strength so that your will would be accomplished in my life. Amen.

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August 5, 2019

Out of the Pit

Years ago, I fell into a season of total despair. And although I knew God was with me, the more time passed and my circumstances didn’t change, I struggled deeply with trusting Him and keeping hope alive.

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November 1, 2018

The Stone of Unbelief

“Did I not say to you that if you would believe, you would see the

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October 5, 2017

Enjoying God’s Word

Heavenly Father, thank you for Your Word. Thank You Holy Spirit for giving me understanding of the things of God through the Word. Give me wisdom and understanding to know and desire the things of God. Amen.

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May 10, 2017

A Direct Link

“For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.” Romans 8:6

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April 18, 2017

A Wonderful Expression of Love

Heavenly Father, thank you for your ultimate sacrifice of your Son Jesus, so I may know you, love you, and share you here on the earth. Help me to remember that without you, I have nothing. Open my eyes to see the opportunities that you are giving me to share who you are with others. Amen.

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March 4, 2017

The Cost of Worship

What costly thing am I giving to God who has given me EVERYTHING?

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